
Mind 🧠🤯

#1 There are a three types of long term memories: episodic (life experience), semantic (information or knowledge) and producedura how to do things and learned body responses. #2 The human brain is composed of approximately 75%water,as well as fat and protein. #3 learning new things changes your brain and increase your intelligence even if you're older. #4 long term memory is controlled by the vernickle speech area. #5 music changes the way we think in our mind our preception o the world . #6 The more we hear something,the more we believe is it true -its called illusion of Truth effect caused by our brain. #7 The brain treats rejection like physical pain .This probably explains the reason behind approach anxiety now! #8 cells in your body react to everything your mind has to say so negativity can bring down your immune system and make you fall sick more often.stay positive,folk! #9 your mind write monotonous speeches of boring people to make sound interesting. #10 The cell ...


#1:- color therapy has been around for 5,000 years, since ancient Egyptions wore coloured sacred stones and Hindu hears linked the colour spectrum to the body's seven vital chakras. #2:- Behind this Color therapy (also called charotheraphy, light therapy and colour heading)is that each colour's unique wavelength has a corresponding vibration speed that works to harmonize the brain and body, easing symptoms from mood disorders to lethragy. #3:- butterflies have two compound eyes consisting of thousands of lenses,yet they can only see the colors red, green and yellow. #4:- In one sense, colours Do not exists.colors are actually wavelengths that require a receiver or interpreter to make sense of them.without eyes and a brain ,what are call color would just be light frequencies. #5:- shades of blue are supposed to be calming, while a color like bright oranges encourages happiness and creativity. #6:- If you want to increase your level of confidence make sure to use red...

Attraction 😍

#1 Do you know that, facial symmetry is considered as a sign of beauty and attraction around the world. #2:- A study shows that men who feel hungry often, preferred women with higher weight. #3:-Study conduced in United kingdom found that whenever a woman finds a man attractive, She speaks with a higher pitched voice. #4:- Evolutionary biologist say that it's better to be average looking,as average features advertise better representative health and more diverse set of genes. #5:- Studies show that we are more attracted to people who looks similar to us. #6:- woman's hormone levels are affected by birth control pills.Woman who are talking birth control pills are more attracted to men with more masculine features, but these men are often linked to aggressive behavior, higher testosterone levels and even higher divorce rates. #7:- Children who are born to their parents in their 30's tend to find older faces more attractive than children born to their parents in their 2...


#1:- controlling facial muscles can Help control your Anger . studies have shown that if you don't frown when you're angry,you won't fell the emotion in much intensity..... #2:- Anger is more than just an emotion it actually has physiological affects that accure alongside of it .these range from racing heartbeats, sweating and increase in blood pressure. #3:- it's not as simple as just being either angry or not it's a bit more complicated than that.think of it as if on a scale.there are varying degrees of anger ranging from annoyed to rage . #4:- It's usually some outside factor that you feel leads to you becoming angry, However, there are many factors that can make you more susceptible to feeling that anger.These are things such as hunger ,heat, exhaustion, dehydration,or other circumstances of annoyance. #5:- One things that has been shown to consistently combat anger is humor . Not only do most people enjoy humor, but it break the attention and ...