
#1:- controlling facial muscles can Help control your Anger . studies have shown that if you don't frown when you're angry,you won't fell the emotion in much intensity.....

#2:- Anger is more than just an emotion it actually has physiological affects that accure alongside of it .these range from racing heartbeats, sweating and increase in blood pressure.

#3:- it's not as simple as just being either angry or not it's a bit more complicated than that.think of it as if on a scale.there are varying degrees of anger ranging from annoyed to rage .

#4:- It's usually some outside factor that you feel leads to you becoming angry, However, there are many factors that can make you more susceptible to feeling that anger.These are things such as hunger ,heat, exhaustion, dehydration,or other circumstances of annoyance.

#5:- One things that has been shown to consistently combat anger is humor . Not only do most people enjoy humor, but it break the attention and stress caused by feeling Anger and refocuses it on something less physiologically taxing.

#6:- Anger,at least in Western culture is largely thought of as a more masculine emotion. Because of this girls and boys are taught differing stances when it comes to hadling their anger .Men tend to express their anger physically and impulsively,Where Women tend to be resentful and emotional.
#7:- we mentioned early that Anger is linked to other physiological reaction.In the same bucket,uncontrolled anger and outburst that become out of hand have been linked to side effects as severe as stroke or heart attacks.


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